Moving Closer to first slate
We have several things in place and ready to shoot. Unfortunatley (for the actors checking this site) I don't yet have a solid shooting schedule, but we are getting closer to having one ready to post.
I spent last night building the dolly and the door prop. It was a good lesson in why I should never try for set construction. I would be a decent carpenter, if I weren't trying to rush the job. Fortunatley for our purposes, it should work (except for the few screws that I didn't line up properly, that now prodrude out of the bottom of the door jam.) On the dolly, though none of the cuts are really straight, I did at least take my time building the trucks, so it moves properly, even if it looks a little funky.
We found a location for Karen's house. We also had a problem with the hospital, so it looks like we will shoot that next weekend (along with the other hospital location) so at least we have time to prepare. Finding a location for the second hospital would have been tricky to do with all I have on my plate this week. It also means that anyone who is interested in an extra role, don't worry about this weekend, since we won't need it until next. I think Heather will be needed on Saturday night for an extra role, but everyone else won't be needed until the 28th.
Also we have a location for the endscene (before the hospital) its a beautiful bluff on hillside that will be a gorgeous view when it comes time to shoot. Thankfully when the door was built, it was fairly light, so 2 grips should be able to pull it out of the way during the shoot with no problems (I hope)
Other than that, we had a problem with a couple freelance gigs paying on time, so unfortunatley the whole permit through the city thing is out. Very unfortunate, since there was something really cool about shutting down downtown to accomodate a night for day shoot. In the grand sceme of things all it means is I can't show the windows of the cafe. Not a huge deal, but that was something I thought would add a nice visual touch.
We will have a schedule (I promise) later tonight or tommorow, just as soon as I finnish the plan for each scene. It should be pretty lax schedule (esp. since we are shooting the hospital next week)
I get the audio set up tonight, along with buying a costume for heather, tommorow we start securing all the rental gear, insurance, etc. and do a camera test. Friday we pick up the grip equipment and saturday morning we shoot! I am extremely excited. In spite of all the problems and roadblocks we had producing this week, I think we are still ok, and it should be a great shoot. Oh, and I think Ben Clarke, the authour of Sleep may stop by the blog to send his well wishes for our shoot, so look for that.
For the techies and film buffs following this shoot, check back on tuesday or wednesday for lots of set pictures and stories behind the scenes.
Oh, and if any of the links above from google interest you, feel free to click them. I am low on funds obviously after bankrolling this film, so every little bit helps (I have made a whole $3 on this blog so far.)
If any of the actors are checking this, let me relay some costume advice to you (I will be calling on thursday to confirm schedule and lay out wardrobe, but maybe you can check if you have any of these things now)
Karen: 3 different outfits. No vivid colors. Think black and white (more black than white)
Rachel: 3 white outfits. Angelic colors, so we can make you more radiant.
Stalker: For this weekend, just a suite (black or brown) a trenchcoat, and if you have some, black leather gloves.
Detective: Suit and the overcoat that Jeff has will work. I will get you a notepad, and if there is a badge availible (I think Jeff said he had one?) we can use that as well. If not, I am not too worried about a badge (I have never seen a detective wear their badge on the outside, usually only pull it out if someone wants to see it)
Bum: Bum Clothes. If you don't have any, we can go to Value Village and find something on 2 bucks.
Man 1 & 2: Black suit, black tie. I will provide you with an IFB for the shoot (ear peice)
Let me know if theres anything new or if you don't have any of these things. There is still time to hit Value Village.
Hi everyone!
I just thought I'd pass on my best wishes to you all for the shoot this weekend. It's been a real priviledge to watch this film come together from all the way over here in the UK, and I am really thankful to everyone who has taken the time to get involved.
Thanks also to Mike, who has worked very hard to get this far and who has been a pleasure to work with from the start. A real professional.
I hope the shoot goes well for you all, particularly Sheri who has the task of being centre stage throughout this film.
So..good luck, and if Mike gets you doing something crazy, you can just blame me for writing it in the first place!
Ben Clarke.
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